
The following describes the recommended environment for comfortably viewing the bet5365me大陆线路 (Yamato USA) website, and the items to be checked prior to website browsing and use.


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The information on this website is not intended as a solicitation to invest in Yamato USA or any of its affiliate companies, 包括其母公司. Any decision to invest in Yamato USA or any of its affiliate companies, 包括其母公司 is made as an individual decision.

2) Damage that may be incurred in relation to this website

Yamato USA has made all possible efforts with regard to information posted on this website and other linked websites. 然而, no guarantee is given regarding the accuracy, 完整性, 有效性, immediacy or timeliness of this information, 其中任何一个都可能包含错误, 印刷错误或其他缺陷.

Yamato USA and its information providers accept no responsibility whatsoever for any losses, 财务或其他方面, arising from the use of this information. 除了, Yamato USA and its information providers accept no responsibility whatsoever for any losses, 财务或其他方面, arising from computer system malfunction or any other cause resulting in error, 无效, 延迟, 遗漏, defect or suspension of the information provided.


目前的计划, forecasts and strategies of Yamato USA as described on this website include forward-looking statements related to future results and other future events, which are not statements of historical fact. Such forward-looking statements are based on judgments of Yamato USA’s management in light of information currently available to it, and are subject to risks and uncertainties including, 但不限于, the effects of fluctuations in the world economy, 竞争环境, 还有外汇汇率. Consequently, it is possible that actual results could differ significantly from these forecasts. Therefore, you should not place reliance on its contents in making investment decisions.


1) Precautions regarding links from this website to other websites: This website may include links and banners that will take you to a website of a party other than Yamato USA. 大和集团内没有公司, 包括大和美国, manages these websites and Yamato USA is not responsible for the content of any third party’s website.

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